Now, she's offering sage advice through People magazine, to this year's crop of Idol-wannabes. I'm sorry, but there's plenty of people I'd gladly take advice from, but "Pick Pickler" is hardly one of them. I still can't decide if the bumpkin idiocy is a farce, in which case she's brilliant, or real. If it's real then ... wow!
Pickler's words of wisdom are pretty much the same that anyone would give about celebrity or success. Hell, lottery winners go through the same problems she mentions. "It's not necessarily you that changes but it's the people around you that change," she says. "No one that I was close with before am I even remotely close to now. I have maybe three people in my life now that have been amazing through the whole process."
But her most deep and profound revelation? "Stay away from mean people!" You tell 'em Kellie! Stay away from those mean people ... like Simon. Wait, that won't work.
To relive one of Kellie's more recent moments of genius, and why you should have her guiding the path you take in life, here she is on FOX's Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?.
Source : www.tvsquad.com